Today Mark has a group of people in the studio talking about the new Free2Succeed Mentor Program. Jeff Kirkman is the Program Manager with Idaho Department of Correction. Gerry Autry is a mentor for District 3 and Sterling Williams is a mentor for District 4.

If you have questions or want to sign up to be a mentor, check out the IDOC Website or send an email to [email protected].

Free2Succeed is a community mentoring program sponsored by the Idaho Department of Correction. The program is to spearhead change in the lives of recently released citizens from prison so they don’t go back to prison. At Free2Succeed, we want to be the change and guidance by providing offenders a mentor that can guide them through the basic challenges of life.

Imagine being going to a completely new state by yourself with no money or family, then told to go get a job, rent a home, find food, etc. This is happening in our great state because every day someone is being released into a foreign place after being away for years. By having a mentor there is someone to lean on for support so one doesn’t have to worry about going back to prison.

Contact us about being a mentor, and be the change so many that are getting out of prison are looking for because many don’t have one person to be a peer to help them in this complicated world.