Reentry Services First day Out
In Idaho, there are currently about 8,000 in the state prison system. Approximately 1,000 are released from prison annually into Ada County, and about 600 released into Canyon County. Of those released, recent statistics from the state show that the recidivism rate is about 35%.
St. Vincent de Paul Reentry Services is centered around assisting in a successful transition from incarceration back into society for returning citizens.
Offering assistance to individuals transitioning back into society after incarceration, which includes transportation pickup, support on their first day out, and career development services both before and after release.
Finding meaningful employment for returning citizens is challenging. Creating relationships with local businesses and entities is vital to successful reentry and long-term employment. As we work in the community, we have a greater understanding of the long-term negative impact of incarceration, not only on the individual and their family but also on our community as a whole.
We produce more effective solutions by focusing our assistance on the underserved population and returning citizens.
We help support individuals through the initial interview/assessment process, resume help, career counseling, apprenticeships, job search assistance, and follow ups.
Reentry Career development
Our Reentry First Day Out Office locations
Canyon County
3110 Cleveland Blvd. Caldwell, ID 83605
(Located inside District III Probation & Parole Hours Vary)
Reentry Career development Office Location
Reentry Career Development Office
5218 Fairview Ave Boise, ID 8370
Monday – Tuesday | 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Thursday – Friday | 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
“Whether you are preparing for release or just getting out, We will meet you wherever you are in your reentry - Just come to our office. We want to help you.”
-Mark Renick Reentry Program Manager
St. Vincent De Paul Reentry Podcasts