When you shop or donate to St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho Thrift Stores, you are doing much more than simply being generous. Our thrift store items have their unique stories, just like our employees whom we proudly provide with second chances. By donating a bicycle, for instance, you can help a neighbor in need with transportation to and from work, assisting them in getting back on their feet.
Our goal is to provide high-quality clothing and household goods affordable to everyone in the community, thanks to our dedicated volunteers and staff who work tirelessly to sort donations and keep the store stocked. With every donation you give or purchase you make at our thrift stores, you are directly contributing to the funding of St. Vincent de Paul programs that support our mission.
Our thrift stores
Thrift Store Locations
Boise Thrift Store
2160 S Broadway Ave.
Monday - Saturday 9:30 am - 7:00 pm
Sunday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Please take donationsto the rear of store.
Donation Accepted:
Monday - Saturday 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
Sunday 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Boise Furniture Store
2110 Broadway Ave.
Monday - Saturday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sunday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Donation Accepted:
Monday - Saturday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Boise Thrift Store, Collister Center
4614 W State Street
Monday - Saturday 9:30 am - 7:00 pm
Sunday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
We are unable to accept donations at this location, please direct donations to St. Vincent de Paul Donation Center at 6464 W State Street Boise, ID 83714.
Donations accepted at 6464 W State Street, Boise, ID 83714:
Monday - Saturday 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
Sunday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Meridian Thrift Store
213 N Main Street
Monday - Saturday 9:30 am - 7:00 pm
Sunday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Please take donations to the South side at rear of store.
Donation Accepted:
Monday - Saturday 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
Sunday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
1403 2nd Street South
Tues., Thurs., Fri. and Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Donations Accepted During Store Hours
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
State Street Store Relocation and Renovation
6464 W. State Street Boise, ID 83714
Coming 2025
The State Street Thrift Store plays a crucial role in the work of St. Vincent de Paul. The revenue from our thrift store sales directly supports every single SVdP program, making a significant impact on our ability to serve the community.
Eminent $250 million housing and retail development directly across from the store demands adaptation to meet evolving community needs. ValleyRide Bus Stops will be added along the State Street corridor in addition to the ACHD Northern Alignment Project, which is expected to significantly increase private, public, and foot traffic.
Throughout the State Street Thrift Store renovation project, our focus will be on modernizing and enhancing the building’s appeal. Implementing a new facade will attract more traffic and sales, supporting our mission. Additionally, the rebranding of the thrift store will increase awareness, enabling us to better serve those in need.
We love to reward loyal St. Vincent de Paul Shoppers! To start earning today, finish setting up your account, or check your points visit the Rewards Member Portal.
St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho offers gift cards that can be purchased and redeemed at qualifying locations! To view card balances, please visit the balance portal.
Rewards Program And Gift Cards
St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho Rewards Terms and Conditions
By registering for the St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho Rewards Card (hereafter known as “Rewards Card”) you agree to these Terms of Use:
Eligibility: Only one Rewards Card account is allowed per Member.
Enrollment: Cards are free and available at the following St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores or online at www.svdpid.org/rewards.
State Street 6464 State St Boise, Idaho 83714
Broadway 2160 S. Broadway Ave Boise, Idaho 83706
Broadway North 2110 Broadway Ave. Boise ID 83706
Caldwell 3719 E. Cleveland Blvd. Caldwell Id 83605
Meridian 213 N. Main St. Meridian, Idaho 83642
In order to enroll as a Member of Rewards Card, you must be over the age of 13 and register your card online at https://svdpid.datacandyinfo.com/login and provide Rewards Card with your first name, last name, email address, birthday, phone number, postal code, and a password. This personal information is for communication, fraud identification, detection, and prevention purposes. Any card that has not been registered will be eligible to earn points but will not be able to redeem any rewards.
Earning points
Members earn ten points for every $1.00 spent on qualifying purchases. 1,000 Points is redeemable for five dollars value in future St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho thrift store purchases. Members will not receive points on any coupon or promotional offer; points will only be issued for the amount of money actually spent during the visit. You must present your card or mobile barcode associated with your account at the time of purchase to receive your points. Member can also be looked up at register by providing the phone number they registered. Points will be awarded only to the member paying. Member’s points are issued in real-time and can be viewed online at https://svdpid.datacandyinfo.com/login
Accumulating Dollars in Store
Members must present their Rewards Card upon purchase in order to accumulate Rewards Card points. The card must be scanned before the transaction has closed. No exceptions will be made for clients who do not have their card. St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho will not refund any products on the account of a Rewards Card. Customers will not be allowed to bring an old receipt In order to scan their card for points. Customers will be allowed to use their card number to accumulate Rewards and can use the phone number associated with the account to find a card number through the cash register POS system.
To inquire about the amount of points on your rewards card, have your card scanned in store or log into your platform https://svdpid.datacandyinfo.com/login
Rewards: Special rewards may be offered at specific times. St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho in its sole discretion may also award Members additional points and other rewards, for the Member’s specific behavior or attendance at special events.
Points: Points earned through Rewards Card have no cash value. Points are surrendered for Reward accrual only.
Intellectual property: Rewards Card cards and barcodes may not be reproduced, modified, copied, distributed or used for other commercial purposes without prior written permission from St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho.
Suspension/Termination: The term of the Rewards Card is unlimited. However, St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho reserves the right in its sole discretion to suspend a Member’s membership in the loyalty program in the event of any suspected misconduct; including suspending the Member’s ability to redeem any Rewards accrued in connection with his/her membership in the program. If St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho concludes in its sole discretion that the Member has engaged in misconduct or that his/her account has been compromised, it may terminate the Member’s membership, including but not limited to terminating the Member’s ability to redeem Rewards accrued in connection with his/her membership in the Rewards Card program.
In the event St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho terminates a Rewards Card, members may use their reward points at any participating store within thirty (30) days after the program ends. After that time, any earned points will be lost.
In the event the program is suspended or terminated for any reason whatsoever, St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho will not be held liable to its members and will automatically be released from any claims filed by members of the Rewards Card Program regarding the suspension or termination of the program and/or the loss or redemption of points or other damage resulting from such suspension or termination.
The Rewards Card is not a credit card. It is, and remains at all times, the exclusive property of St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho, which may revoke it at any time at its sole discretion.
Rewards Card points earned on a Rewards Card may not be transferred, exchanged for cash, or sold other than in accordance with the terms and conditions herein.
The reward dollars to which Rewards Card points entitle Rewards Card members may be used or redeemed only by said members. If, for any reason, adjustments must be made to the points registered in a member’s account, the member will have thirty (30) days; from the transaction date or the date the points are registered to the account, to submit a request to St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho. If no request is made within this period, the information registered in the account will be deemed correct and final.
Members must inform St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho of any changes to their personal information by going on the Rewards Card https://svdpid.datacandyinfo.com/login By joining the program, members confirm that the information they have provided is valid and accurate.
Members are responsible for promptly notifying St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho of the loss or theft of their Rewards Card cards. They must then go to a participating St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho store and request a new card, expressly stating it is to replace a lost or stolen card. That way the sales clerk can issue a new card without creating a new profile. Members can then update their card number in their profile on the Rewards Card https://svdpid.datacandyinfo.com/login Earned points on a lost or stolen card can be transferred to a new Rewards Card provided that the earned points have not been used between the time the loss or theft occurred and the time the card number was updated. St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho may not, under any circumstances, be held liable for transactions made with a Rewards Card between the time of the loss or theft and the time St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho is notified of the loss or theft.
By joining the Rewards Card Program, members confirm that they consent to have text messages sent to their phones, email and mail sent to their devices and home addresses.
Any member no longer wishing to participate in the Rewards Card Program must complete the membership cancellation form by visiting the URL? The member’s account will be closed within thirty (30) days of receipt of the form. Any earned Rewards Card points will be cancelled without compensation, and the card (plastic physical card and/or virtual card) will no longer be valid.
Employees at participating St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho stores may join the Rewards Card Program if they want to use the employee discount. Employees will accumulate points on the purchase price of items, not on the sticker price before the employee discount. Employees will lose discount at end of employment but will retain accumulated points.
Rewards Card members age 55 and over may not benefit from the senior discount at the same time. This means that points accumulated will be on the amount spent, not on the sticker price of items before the senior discount.
When a product that has earned Rewards Card points is returned or exchanged, St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho reserves the right to subtract such points at the time of return or exchange. Rewards Card members must present their sales receipts and Rewards Card cards when returning or exchanging products.
If a Rewards Card, whether physical or virtual, is not used for a period of eighteen (18) consecutive months, if the member cancels the card, or in the event of the member’s death, all Rewards Card points earned on the card will automatically be cancelled without compensation.
Privacy/Confidentiality of Information Collected by St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho
St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho undertakes to make every effort to ensure the confidentiality and security of information provided by members when they join and participate in the Rewards Card Program. However absolute confidentiality and security are not guaranteed.
St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho undertakes not to disclose information received from members except on a need-to-know basis. In such cases, any individuals receiving such information will be clearly informed that it is confidential and subject to a confidentiality agreement. However St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho may use, at its discretion, any data it collects that does not contain personal information.
Members acknowledge and agree, however, that information collected by St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho may be used to administer and monitor the Rewards Card Program and to send promotional material and other personalized messages, including by text or email.
Some services, such as sending texts and email, analyzing business data, providing marketing assistance, investigating fraudulent activities, conducting consumer surveys, and providing customer service, may be carried out by companies authorized by St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho. In such cases, St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho will ensure that data transmitted to such service providers will be limited to the information required to perform their duties and that such service providers subject to a confidentiality agreement.
By joining the Rewards Card Program, members confirm that they consent to such use of their information.
Modification: St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho reserves the right in its sole discretion, to terminate the program, and to alter, limit, modify, or add to the Rewards Card rules, regulations, terms and conditions. This includes, but is not limited to, imposing time limits and changes in point values, Rewards, and Reward levels, all without prior notice, at any time. Any such changes are effective immediately and the Member’s continued enrollment in the program confirms that he/she accepts the changes and agrees to be bound by them.
Disclaimer and Terms & Conditions
This Disclaimer sets out important information about https://svdpid.datacandyinfo.com/login and www.svdpid.org (“Website”). Please read it carefully as it affects your rights and liabilities under the laws of United States of America. If you do not agree with the Disclaimer and these Terms & Conditions, please do not use the Website. If you have any questions about this Disclaimer and these Terms & Conditions, please contact rewards@svdpid.org
Use of website
This Website is provided to you for your personal use subject to this Disclaimer. By using the Website you agree to be bound by this Disclaimer.
St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho. (the “Nonprofit”) may update this Disclaimer from time to time for legal or regulatory reasons or to allow the proper operation of the Website. Any changes will be notified to you via a suitable announcement on the Website. If you continue to use the Website after the date on which the change comes into effect, your use of the Website indicates your agreement to be bound by the new Disclaimer.
Intellectual Property
The names, images, logos and content of the Website are all protected by copyright, design rights, trade marks, database right and other intellectual property rights, which remain vested in the Nonprofit. You may retrieve and display the content of the Website on a computer screen or print one copy of such content for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided you keep intact all and any copyright and proprietary notices. You may not otherwise copy, reproduce, publish, disassemble, decompile, download, post, broadcast, transmit, distribute, perform, create derivative works from, make available to the public, adapt, alter, edit, re-position, frame, rebrand, transfer, change or otherwise use in any way any of the Website, its logos, materials or content whatsoever without the express written permission from the Nonprofit.
Availability of the website
The Nonprofit does not guarantee that the Website will always be available or be uninterrupted, timely, secure or free from bugs, viruses, errors and omissions. The Nonprofit reserves its right to modify, suspend or discontinue all or part of the Website or any part of the Website without giving you any notice. Any commentary, opinions or other materials included in the Website are not intended to amount to advice on which you should rely.
If a fault occurs with the Website you should report it to rewards@svdpid.org and reasonable efforts will be taken to correct the fault as soon as is reasonably practical. Your access to the Website may be occasionally restricted to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new content. The Nonprofit will attempt to restore access as soon as it reasonably can.
The Website is made available on a free-of-charge, for convenience purposes only, “as-is” and on an “as available” basis. Accordingly, subject to the terms of this document and the extent permitted by law, the Nonprofit excludes all liability to the user for any and all loss or damage howsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of the Website, including but not limited to any liability arising in relation to any virus or other contamination or any unavailability of the Website.
Every effort has been made to provide accurate and complete information. However, the Nonprofit does not guarantee that the Website contains no errors and we make no promise or guarantee that the information and content on this Website will meet your requirements. The Nonprofit does not assume any legal liability for any inaccuracies or errors contained on the Website.
Where the Website provides links to or content from other internet sites or resources, the Nonprofit:
Does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance or completeness of information contained on a linked internet site;
Cannot and does not authorize the use of copyrighted materials contained in any linked internet site;
Is not responsible for transmissions received from linked websites or any information gathering conducted by a linked internet site;
Des not endorse the content or views expressed or products or services offered in any linked internet sites; and,
Does not make any warranties or guarantees in relation to content from other internet sites or resources.
Whether or not the Nonprofit is in anyway in breach of this Disclaimer, the Nonprofit is not responsible for the following direct or indirect kinds of loss or damage (whether such damage or losses were foreseen, foreseeable, known or otherwise) whether in an action for tort, or contract, which may arise from or in connection with your use of the Website, including but not limited to:
Loss or damage suffered by you or someone else when using the Website;
Loss or damage which you could not anticipate nor expect to happen when you started using the Website;
Any loss which is indirect or a side effect of the main loss or damage and which the Nonprofit and you could not anticipate nor expect to happen when you started using the Website, for instance if you lose revenue or salary, profit, opportunity, reputation or business interruption;
Any loss of data or damage to your device or software; and
Any loss or damage if the Website is not provided to you or are interrupted or suspended or if the Nonprofit does not comply with the terms because of events beyond the Nonprofit’s control, such as an act of God, accident, fire, natural disaster, weather disruption, lockout, strike or other official or unofficial dispute, civil commotion, decision of the Nonprofit, rule or order or other act or event beyond the reasonable control of the Nonprofit.
This Disclaimer is subject to the laws and jurisdiction of the United States. The Nonprofit makes no guarantee or warrants that the material(s) on the Website are appropriate or available for use in locations outside the United States, and accessing the Website from territories where its contents are illegal or unlawful is prohibited. If you choose to access the Website from outside the United States, you do so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws, as applicable.
Responsibility Disclaimer
Cardholders release St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho, its stores and its respective officers or directors of any other tort or contract liabilities that may arise directly or indirectly from the Rewards Card program that may not have been specifically provided here.
Concluding Statement
All necessary measures have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this document. St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho may not be held liable for any errors or omissions. The unenforceability or invalidity of any clause in this Agreement shall not have an impact on the enforceability or validity of any other clause. Any unenforceable or invalid clause shall be regarded as removed from this Agreement to the extent of its unenforceability and invalidity. Therefore, this Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced as if it did not contain the said clause to the extent of its unenforceability and invalidity.
Gift Card Terms and Conditions
Nonreturnable; not for resale. Notwithstanding anything contained in these Terms and Conditions, St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho Gift Cards and eGift Cards ("St. Vincent de Paul Gift Cards") are not returnable or refundable for cash. Resale of St. Vincent de Paul Gift Cards is strictly prohibited.
Redeemable Locations
Cards may be purchased and used at only the following five locations:
State Street 6464 State St Boise, Idaho 83714
Broadway 2160 S. Broadway Ave. Boise, Idaho 83706
Broadway North 2110 Broadway Ave. Boise ID 83706
Caldwell 3719 E. Cleveland Blvd. Caldwell Id 83605
Meridian 213 N. Main St. Meridian, Idaho 83642
Liability. The balance on any Gift Card is solely the liability of St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho.
Not for promotional use. St. Vincent de Paul Gift Cards may be used as personal or business gifts, but may not be used in connection with any marketing, advertising or other promotional activities (including without limitation via websites, Internet advertisements, email, telemarketing, direct mail, newspaper and magazine advertisements, and radio and television broadcasts).
Compliance with laws. By purchasing St. Vincent de Paul Gift Cards, you are certifying and representing to St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho that the activities in connection with which the St. Vincent de Paul Gift Cards will be used will comply with these Terms and Conditions and all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and that the St. Vincent de Paul Gift Cards will not be used in any manner that is misleading, deceptive, unfair or otherwise harmful to consumers or St. Vincent de Paul. In addition, you agree to defend and indemnify St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho from and against any claims, expenses or liabilities made against or incurred by any of them in connection with your use of the St. Vincent de Paul Gift Cards or violation of any of these Terms and Conditions.
Lost or Stolen Gift Card. Lost or stolen cards will not be replaced. St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho shall not have liability to you for lost or stolen St. Vincent de Paul Gift Cards.
No Consolidation for New St. Vincent de Paul Gift Card. You may not consolidate or combine multiple St. Vincent de Paul Gift Cards to purchase a new St. Vincent de Paul Gift Card.
St. Vincent de Paul Gift Card Balance is an Estimate. The balance you see when viewing St. Vincent de Paul Gift Card balances online is an estimate only. In most cases, the balance is adjusted immediately when you make a purchase online or in stores, but there may be occasions when the updated balance is delayed for a period of time.
St. Vincent de Paul Gift Cards Do Not Expire. St. Vincent de Paul Gift Cards never expire.
Governing Law. When you purchase, receive, or redeem a St. Vincent de Paul Gift Card, you agree that the laws of the State of Idaho shall govern these Terms and Conditions, without regard to principles of conflict of laws.